Rutilated Crystal

Success, logical reasoning and objectivity. Provides wellbeing and strength for living. It attracts success, develops logical thinking and objectivity to better achieve your goals. It’s a great power source.

Stones Meaning


It strengthens our confidence and increases concentration. It is an excellent sedative, very good for insomnia and anxiety disorders and can be used without restriction.

Stones Meaning

White Howlite

It balances emotions and favours peace. It’s beneficial to balance emotions, giving us courage, strength and serenity to face our fellows.

Stones Meaning


Lightness and wellbeing, Balances relationships and self-esteem. It brings peace and balance between the partners harmonizing feelings.

Stones Meaning


The stone of vitality and beauty. Worn on your chest solves love problems. It rescues our childhood, assisting in the education of children.

Stones Meaning